It was a great year again for me and my team here. I must admit, without my team, I could never think we strike flying colors again. The International Work Life Balance Forum 2018 was a great event that brought all women entrepreneurs under one roof and sharing their expertise and knowledge.
The most important focal point is how work life balance can ease your life in different ways and methods. Through the event, we consolidated the fun, life, and blessings as we walk through the journey, we called life. I was honored to meet every participant and definitely excited to hear from the expertise and successful woman themselves what have they gained in road to success.
Together on that day, we have officially announced our “Winning Women” book to celebrate success story and also to emphasize women empowerment in the key industry that suitable enough to be your mentor. As we gathered, we came to conclusion that even though that you have to lose some, you know you have won so much in your life. Success can certainly achievable, through passion, hard work, and persistence.
Allow me to extend gratitude to partners and sponsors : Without their wonderful and continuous support, I am quite sure that we cannot materialize the event successfully.
My wonderful panelist, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am honored to have such brilliant panelist for the event. They are truly amazing people and really inspiring me and surely the rest of the participant. I shall look forward to more collaboration in the future.
This is certainly not the ending of our journey, especially in advocating our key to happiness pillars. I trust through knowledge sharing, brainstorming, mentoring and networking will bring us closer to our
It has been challenging, yes – hard even, I’ll admit that. But highly necessary. I’ve learned that it is through the toughest times that you learn the most. A refining fire was necessary to make us stronger, healthier and better. It was exactly what we needed to prepare us for 2019. And as 2018 curtains fell down, I am breathing a sigh of relief. We made it. I am grateful I didn’t miss what would be one of most critical inflection points for ADLA especially.
We’re now gearing up for the scheduled event from January 2019 onward and making sure our plans are smooth because there is no room for failure. We are focusing on bringing you the best women empowerment as well as the program to bring the best of all types of woman. It will be limited, so let me tell you, order early & don’t miss out.
2018 for ADLA was anything but smooth sailing, and we really look forward to 2019 too!
Not too late for new years greeting from me and ADLA, here’s to the more the ravishing and astonishing year 2019 for everyone.